Update date: November 1, 2024
Rules for Where Bicycles Travel
- In principle, bicycles travel on the left side of the road.
- In areas marked with bicycle signs, bicycles may travel between the center of the sidewalk and the road.
- When a bicycle section is defined on the sidewalk, bicycles must travel within it.
- While on the sidewalk, bicycles must travel at a slow enough speed to be prepared to stop at any time.
- When obstructing the path of pedestrians, stop and walk your bicycle.
Rules for Safety
- If there is a stop sign, stop in front of the white line painted on the street.
- Riding a bike with one hand while holding an umbrella or talking on your mobile phone is prohibited.
- Putting headphones on when cycling is prohibited.
- Doubling (two riders) is against the law.
- Riding a bicycle under the influence of alcohol is against the law.
- Riding a bicycle constantly beside another cyclist is against the law.
- Use a light when riding a bicycle during at night.
- Use a lock.
- Try to wear a bicycle helmet.
- Obey traffic signals.
- Do not cycle on roads covered with snow or ice.
Registration for Theft Prevention
As the number of bicycles increases, theft is also increasing. Registration for Theft Prevention will make it easier to find stolen bicycles and is required by law.
You can register your bicycle at bicycle shops with your bicycle, ID card, and a fee of ¥650. Be sure not to lose the registration card issued at the shops. If you give your bicycle to your friend or are given a bicycle from a friend, you need to change the personal information attached to the bicycle. For details of the procedure, please ask at a bicycle shop.
- 自転車防犯登録所一覧 (List of Bicycle Security Registration Offices) (Japanese only)
It is a crime to use another person’s bicycle without permission.
When returning to your home country, do not leave/discard your bicycle. Please handle it responsibly by giving it to a friend, taking it to the university coop (only coop union members), a recycling shop, or disposing of it as oversized trash.
Parking Areas
Bicycles should be parked only in areas designated for bicycle parking. Around subway station, such as Kita 12 Jo, and Sapporo Station, some areas are forbidden. If you park your bicycle in a forbidden area, it will be removed. You will have to pick up your bicycle back within two months and pay a fine of ¥2,000.
Please refer to the website of the City of Sapporo for legal parking areas.
- 自転車/札幌市 (Bicycles and Sapporo City) (Japanese only)
- You can purchase used bicycles at the Co-op (Cooperative) at Hokkaido University.
中古自転車販売 | 北海道大学生活協同組合(北大生協) (Second-hand Bike Sales | Hokkaido University Co-op (Hokudai Seikyo)) (Japanese only) - Porocle