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Domestic Violence Consultation

Update date: November 1, 2024

Consultation Counter in Sapporo City

For consultation on domestic violence, the following website also provides information:

(Japanese Only)

Hakodate Domestic Violence Counselling and Support Center

Consultation for domestic violence (DV).
Counselling times: Mon-Fri 8:45-17:30 (except national holidays and 12/29-1/3)

  • Children and Future Department, Childrearing Section
    Shinonome-cho 4-13, Hakodate (City Hall 2F),
    TEL 0138-21-3010
  • Kameda Welfare Centre
    Mihara 1-26-8, Hakodate
    TEL 0138-86-7100

For consultation on DV, the following website also provides information:(Japanese Only)